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Programme ‘24

We need to radically rethink how we want to design our future. Compromise and sacrifice? Or might technological development save us?

The vast consumption of our planet’s resources and its catastrophic implications for the environment require us to rapidly deploy renewable energy systems and come up with a new way of interacting with our environment. How can we achieve this transition? How can we cover our need for sustainable infrastructure on a large scale? And how do we enable innovation to support us along the way?

Our speakers, all of whom are decision-makers and experts from various fields, will provide fresh input, approaches and perspectives on these questions. Find out more in our programme of the Municipal Summer Talks 2024.

Kommunaltage 31.08. (25 von 45)
Programme 2024

Rethink the system. Let’s kick-start the process together.

    • Video message
    • Meinrad Knapp

    Where are we headed?

    • Meinrad Knapp

      ATV & Kronehit
    • Impulse
    • Bernd Fislage
    • Franz Frosch
    • Johannes Pressl


    • Bernd Fislage

      CEO Kommunalkredit Austria AG
    • Franz Frosch

      Mayor Bad Aussee
    • Johannes Pressl

      President of the Austrian Association of Municipalities
    • Discussion
    • Andreas Eggenberger
    • Božo Lasic
    • Johannes Pressl
    • Andreas Schatzer
    • Radka Vladykova
    • Uwe Brandl

    Addressing the current situation. A municipal inventory.

    National & international climate targets are presenting us with growing challenges. We need to implement solutions now. How can we achieve this? What does it take?

    • Andreas Eggenberger

      President Rheintal Border Community
    • Božo Lasic

      President of the Croatian Association of Municipalities
    • Johannes Pressl

      President of the Austrian Association of Municipalities
    • Andreas Schatzer

      President of the South Tyrolean Association of Municipalities, Mayor of Vahrn (Bolzano)
    • Radka Vladykova

      Executive Director of the Union of Towns and Cities of the Czech Republic
    • Uwe Brandl

      President of the German Association of Towns and Municipalities
    • Impulse
    • Bernd Fislage

    Rethinking Infrastructure. Innovations & investments for the green revolution.

    Infrastructure is the key to a sustainable society. New green technologies harbour enormous potential. We must enforce and, above all, finance them.

    • Bernd Fislage

      CEO Kommunalkredit Austria AG
    • Impulse
    • Joschka Fischer

    Enough with the words. Let deeds follow.

    We are living in a time to change. Europe must find its role in the new world order – and utilise the opportunities that present themselves. Can Europe still play a leading role?

    • Joschka Fischer © Joschka Fischer

      Joschka Fischer

      former Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Germany
    • Impulse
    • Baron Lobstein

    Climate Pioneer USA

    Hundreds of billions of US dollars are available in the USA for investment in climate protection, focussing on promoting green technologies and driving forward infrastructure expansion. Can Europe follow this example?

    • Baron Lobstein

      Political-Economic Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Vienna
    • Impulse
    • Leonore Gewessler

    Recognising the signs of the times. Commitment to action.

    What is nature still worth to us? We must finally improve political decision-making processes so that effective measures are adopted to tackle the climate and diversity crisis.

    • Leonore Gewessler

      Federal Minister for Climate Action
    • Discussion
    • Arthur Kanonier
    • Marcel Haraszti
    • Johannes Pressl
    • Wolfgang Unterhuber
    • Markus Achleitner

    Dealing with land & soil. Approaches & targets.

    Too much construction and concreting are taking place at the moment. How can we make better use of old properties and derelict building land?

    • Arthur Kanonier

      Head of Research Department Soil Policy TU Vienna
    • Marcel Haraszti

      Vorstandsmitglied REWE
    • Johannes Pressl

      President of the Austrian Association of Municipalities
    • Wolfgang Unterhuber

    • Markus Achleitner

      State Councillor for Economic and Regional Planning (Upper Austria)
    • Discussion
    • Karin Exner-Wöhrer
    • Thomas Gangl
    • Martijn van Koten
    • Ulrich Benterbusch

    Green. The new gold.

    Green hydrogen will play a major role in the new energy mix; green steel is revolutionising an entire industry. How far have we come? What other possibilities are available?

    • Karin Exner-Wöhrer

      CEO Salzburger Aluminium Group
    • Thomas Gangl

      CEO Liberty Steel
    • Martijn van Koten © OMV AG

      Martijn van Koten

      OMV Board Member
    • Ulrich Benterbusch

      Management Gascade
    • Impulse
    • Hans Rusinek

    Let`s reinvent ourselves. We need more confidance.

    We know that we must change somethings. But to what extent are we prepared to accept these changes? Let’s translate challenges into opportunities. Insights into futurology.

    • ©

      Hans Rusinek

      Economist, University of St. Gallen
    • Discussion
    • Jacques Ejlerskov
    • Bernhard Painz
    • Archibald Preuschat
    • Daniele Gamba
    • Marcel Beverungen

    The role of money. Sustainable investments in the future.

    Where and how should investments be made in order to generate the greatest impact for society? Politicians, private investors, companies, municipalities and countries – everyone can and must make a contribution here.

    • Jacques Ejlerskov

      CEO wa3rm
    • Bernhard Painz

      Management Board Austrian Gas Grid Management
    • Archibald Preuschat

    • Daniele Gamba

      Managing Director TAG
    • Marcel Beverungen

      Managing Director & Head of DIF Germany
    • Discussion
    • Katharina Forster
    • Johannes Laber
    • Wolfgang Gerlich
    • Georg Renner
    • Gerald Mathis

    Time to act. Spotlight on town centres.

    Revitalising town centres creates quality of life and is the basis for a flourishing economy. How can we turn centres into focal points again?

    • Katharina Forster

      nonconform Akademie
    • Johannes Laber

      Head of Department Water & Resource Protection Kommunalkredit Public Consulting
    • Wolfgang Gerlich

      Managing Director Plansinn
    • Georg Renner

    • Gerald Mathis

      Managing Director ISK Institute for Location, Regional and Municipal Development
    • Reception

    Reception & dinner at the Blaa Alm.

    • Impulse
    • Othmar Karas

    Green? Deal! Climate Pioneer Europe.

    The EU wants to be climate-neutral by 2050. At least that’s what the masterplan envisages. What about the European Green Deal? Can we learn something from the USA?

    • Othmar Karas

      First Vice-President European Parliament (2022-2024)
    • Impulse
    • Martin Kocher

    European AI alliance. A challange.

    The assessment of how artificial intelligence will change our working world fluctuates between digital turbo and fear of job losses. But can the new technology rather relieve us than replace us?

    • Martin Kocher

      Martin Kocher

      Federal Minister of Labour and Economic Affairs
    • Discussion
    • Gerhard Christiner
    • Martin Kocher
    • Michael Strugl
    • Henrik Henriksson

    Joint effort for a strong grid. Sustainable & affordable.

    There is enough electricity available. But can we also transport it quickly and safely across the country? The grid needs to be expanded considerably. How quickly can we do that?

    • Gerhard Christiner © APG Rudi Fröse

      Gerhard Christiner

      Member of the Board of Austrian Power Grid AG
    • Martin Kocher

      Martin Kocher

      Federal Minister of Labour and Economic Affairs
    • Michael Strugl

      CEO Verbund AG
    • Henrik Henriksson

      CEO H2 Green Steel
    • Impulse
    • Mojib Latif

    Confidence is key. Clever climate policies.

    How much longer will we be able to experience winters with heavy frost and lots of snow? How much time do we have left to turn the proverbial tide? What do we need to do?

    • Mojib Latif © J. Steffen – GEOMAR

      Mojib Latif

      Head of the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre
    • Impulse
    • Christoph Badelt

    Inflation & climate crisis. How we can manage this?

    We need more certainty so that the money is really channelled to where we need it now. Climate crisis and environmental protection, care and health, inflation and bottlenecks … we need to set ourselves ambitious targets.

    • Christoph Badelt

      President of the Fiscal Council
    • Impulse
    • Christoph Schönborn

    Together instead of side by side. Shared space.

    What unites us must replace what divides us. Controversies can be overcome together. Always on equal footing and with openness.


    • Schönborn © Josef Kuss

      Christoph Schönborn

      Cardinal and Archbishop of Vienna
    • Discussion
    • Mojib Latif
    • Franziska Cecon
    • Christoph Schönborn
    • Christoph Badelt
    • Magnus Brunner

    Greening the economy & society. Impact & effect.

    Courage is the order of the day. Embrace the opportunities offered by new developments. Everyone needs to take responsibility.

    • Mojib Latif © J. Steffen – GEOMAR

      Mojib Latif

      Head of the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre
    • Franziska Cecon

      Public Management FH Oberösterreich
    • Schönborn © Josef Kuss

      Christoph Schönborn

      Cardinal and Archbishop of Vienna
    • Christoph Badelt

      President of the Fiscal Council
    • Magnus Brunner

      Federal Minister of Finance
    • Impulse
    • Bernd Fislage
    • Johannes Pressl

    Thanky you & take-away

    • Bernd Fislage

      Kommunalkredit Austria AG
    • Johannes Pressl

      President of the Austrian Association of Municipalities
Speaker 2024

Our speakers in 2024.

They come from the worlds of business, science and politics. They will share their insights and perspectives, experiences and ideas. And they are all united by their desire to make a difference.

  • Joschka Fischer © Joschka Fischer
    Joschka Fischer
    former Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Germany
  • Mojib Latif © J. Steffen – GEOMAR
    Mojib Latif
    Head of the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre
  • Gerhard Christiner © APG Rudi Fröse
    Gerhard Christiner
    Member of the Board of Austrian Power Grid AG
  • Leonore Gewessler
    Federal Minister for Climate Action
  • Schönborn © Josef Kuss
    Christoph Schönborn
    Cardinal and Archbishop of Vienna
  • Martijn van Koten © OMV AG
    Martijn van Koten
    OMV Board Member
  • Karin Exner-Wöhrer
    Salzburger Aluminium AG
  • Christoph Badelt
    Präsident Fiskalrat